
Our primary mission is EDUCATION. We are convinced that it is only through education that we can promote the development of the people we lead and generate new opportunities for them. We also guarantee access to education and focus our projects in construction and maintenance of social infrastructure, health and food safety.


We want to be an organization recognized by the impact of our actions on the welfare and development of the communities we work with and for our integrity and professionalism in the way of acting.


  • Solidarity: We build a system based on human rights oriented in eradicating inequality in the communities we work with.
  • Commitment: We are committed on fulfilling our mission, vision and integrity as a fundamental principle of our actions.
  • Excellence: We ensure the achievement of our goals and seek the greatest impact of our actions through quality, continuous improvement and optimization of our capacities and resources.
  • Participation: We encourage democratic and participative principles as means to social transformation and development as inherent to the end.
  • Transparency: We base our work on honesty, mutual responsibility and maximum access to information as pillars of social and economic accountability to our members, partners, donors, beneficiaries and society in general.
  • Unity: We believe in teamwork and collaboration with other organizations and institutions to enhance unity and improve the performance of our work.

Our Statutes