Professional integration of youth at risk of social exclusion in Pozo del Tio Raimundo


Integración socio-laboral de jóvenes en riesgo de exclusión social en el Pozo del Tío Raimundo


Improve the quality of life of 40, unemployed or at risk of social exclusion, adolescents in the neighborhood Pozo del Tío Raimundo, providing training and a chance to enter the labor market.


Barrio del Pozo del Tío Raimundo, located in the district of Puente de Vallecas, in Madrid (Spain).


  • 40 adolescents are trained in gardening workshops and have acquired the knowledge and the abilities of this occupation.
  • Therefor the insertion of these 40 adolescents, who took part in the project, into the labor market is provided.
  • The improvement of social abilities of these young participants has positive repercussions in their family relations, etc.


  • Directs: 40 unemployed adolescents in risk of social exclusion in the neighborhood Pozo del Tío Raimundo.
  • Indirects: 210 people, taking into account the positive repercussion of the program in families and their environment, as well as the associates of the neighborhood in Pozo del Tío Raimundo.

Social exclusion is a localized problem in most of the southern neighborhoods of Madrid, for example the district Pozo – Entrevías. In these areas there are large groups of population with lack of economic, social and cultural stability as a result the previously mentioned social exclusion. There are many population centers with families experiencing social difficulties and problems of marginalization and / or social exclusion. One of the social groups most affected is young people. Moreover, the economic crisis that began in Spain in 2008, aggravated the problems of the neighborhood.

An evaluation made with other entities and associations operating in the neighborhood detected the need for action to promote the socio-professional integration of a group of young people who spent most of the day on the streets of the neighborhood, without attending the school and therefor being vulnerable to negative behaviors.
Through an innovative methodology, and based on the design of customized plans, the aim is to prepare a space, given by the Neighborhood Association of Pozo, and to implement a workshop for these young people- aged between 16 and 20 years without professional qualifications or work experience. There they can be a part of the workshop of gardening, and acquire basic knowledge and personal and social skills, to facilitate their access to employment and integration into society.

In addition, the inclusion of these young people into society, through access to employment and a minimum basic education, will result as beneficiary not only for these young people with very limited life expectations but also for their families and their community.