Letter from Philominal, Mother Theresa Home

Letter from Philominal, Mother Theresa Home

Letter from Philominal, Mother Theresa Home

Hi everyone!

I am Philominal, aged 12 years and studying in 7th grade. I am a semi orphan. My father died when me and my younger sister were too young. We do not recognize his face. My sister is also staying with me at Mother Theresa Home. My mother Ms. Mary has been taking care of us. My mother is a domestic worker. She works with a few families at our native place Mathur, a semi urban area. We have no other asset and my family survives with the daily wage of my mother. But my mother was finding it difficult to feed us and take care of us with her single daily wage. Moreover, she felt that it would not be safe for us if she left the home for her work. So she told us to stay in the home if we wanted to study and foresee a bright future.

My mother left us at Mother Theresa Home when I was 9 years and my sister was 6 years. Both of us are staying in the home for the past three years. We are provided with good food, residence, protective clothes, school fees, and other toilet items including sanitary items. We are taken care of well. I like this home. My mother use to come home once a month with some delicious snacks. I am sure that we would not have enjoyed such good facilities if we were at our home or anywhere else.

Apart from all the facilities cited above, the home provides lot of physical activities like playing football, shuttle, chess and other indoor games to keep us healthy and fit. On account of a good atmosphere, we are able to perform well in our studies. I use to study well too! To tell you the truth, without the support of Fundación Esperanza y Alegría, it would not have been possible for us to have continued our education.

I am confident that I will stay here in the coming years too and complete my schooling up to 12th grade. I hope I will continue to get your support for my education in future too. Once I have completed my studies I will look for a good job and after that I will definitely help other children like me in destitute. I want to help others like you!

I thank everyone who helps me, specially my foster parents who love us and help us continue our education!

With Love

P. Philominal