Home Integration Nambikkaiyagam


This home was inaugurated in March of 2011 with the goal to develop the intellectual capacity and train minors with disabilities so they can live and develop on their own.


Develop intellectual capacity and train minors with disabilities so they can live and develop on their own.


Tiruchirapalli (India)


50 boys and girls with disabilities between 14 and 25 years old that live in a serious poverty and are in clear risk of social exclusion.

This home was inaugurated in March of 2011 with the goal to develop the intellectual capacity and train minors with disabilities so they can live and develop on their own.

The direct beneficiaries are 50 boys and girls with disabilities between the ages of 14 and 25 who live in grave poverty and are in clear risk of social exclusion.

The center, divided into two levels, serves as both a training and residence center. Equipped with staff such as Physiotherapists, speech therapists, caregivers as well as qualified personnel provided by the Government of Tamil Nadu for the purpose of developing cooking workshops, crafts, creating jewelry, producing cosmetics, etc., these minors are being helped to learn a trade.

The foundation financed the construction and the equipment of the center which, in this moment, is self- sufficient thanks to a bakery that provides bread and sweets to establishments in the city.