Special Education Center Annai Annammal for the attention and Education of minors with Disabilities


Center for the attention and education of boys and girls in the zone that due to their disabilities do not receive any type of attention.



Create the optimum learning environment for minors with disabilities in Royappanpatty.


The special education Center Annai Annammal is located in the city of Royappanpatty, the district of Theni and within the state of Tamil Nadu in India.


  • The purchase of a small bus.
  • The center had been remodeled and has improved its equipment.
  • 25 minors with disabilities are assisted and receive rehabilitation.


  • Direct:  25 boy and girls with diverse disabilities that come from low income families.
  • Indirect:  Family members of these minors, about 100 people and their communities.

In 2012 to mark the centenary anniversary of Saint Anne´s convent in Royappanpatty, the sisters of the congregation decided to construct a center for the attention and education of boys and girls in the area. Due to their disabilities they do not receive any type of attention nor training, which poses a burden onto their families who have no knowledge or means to properly assist them.

The center counts with minimal facilities and acts as a center in the day that provides basic training, official and unofficial in addition to various therapeutic, physiotherapy and recreational activities for all those less than 25 years of age with disabilities.

Revisions made by the government recommend the construction of a new building with a garden for the appropriate development of these minors. As a result, in 2015 the Foundation helped finance the construction of a new building with two classrooms, four bathrooms, a water tank and a park next to the main building.

Previously in 2013 the Foundation also financed the purchase of a small bus to facilitate the transport of these minors from their homes to the school.